It’s 07:00 on a cold and wet Sunday morning in November 2013 and I found myself sitting in my car at Brimbank Park in Keilor, a north western suburb of Melbourne. I am feeling overwhelmed and nervous thinking, as I take in my surroundings, that I am in way over my head, that I am out of my depth, I am outclassed, out equipped and I’m about to be exposed as the fraud and pretender that I really am.
I am fighting that voice inside my head that is screaming at me that I don’t belong, that I’m not good enough, don’t know what I am doing and that I don’t have the right or what it takes to be a part of that which lies before me this day.
Adventure Racing, in particular Mark Burnett’s Eco Challenge is the reason I run today.
When I first saw Eco Challenge Australia on TV sometime in the late 90′s or early 2000s, something stirred within me, something raw and natural came to life, emotions were awakened and life seemed to take on new meaning, it’s purpose made clear.
Adventure! Life was to be an adventure, it was to be lived, enjoyed, explored and conquered!
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Australian Multisport Championships
The idea to race the Freycinet Lodge Challenge has been with me probably from the first time heard about it: two days of racing in one of the most spectacular regions of Australia sounded absolutely fantastic.
Most of our fellow adventure racers were there, bringing back great memories and stories, so the Australian Multisport Champs was on the must do list for a long time. Race headquarters was located at the Freycinet Lodge at Coles bay Tasmania, a place of exceptional beauty with stunning views of the granite peaks of The Hazards, white sand and blue sea including Wineglass Bay (voted by several travel authorities as one of the world’s ten best beaches).
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